Tips and Tricks for At-Home Pet Dental Care

Pet parents have many responsibilities when it comes to caring for their furry friends – nutrition, exercise, baths, and routine exams and vaccinations are just a few. Dental care is also crucial. Our team at Clay-Chalkville Animal Clinic in Pinson shares a few tips to make tooth brushing a little easier and more successful.

Be Selective with Toothpaste and Toothbrush

It’s essential to choose toothpaste specifically made for your pet, not humans or other breeds. Look for flavors like chicken or something similar to make the process more enjoyable. Additionally, using a small toothbrush, such as one designed for a child, can be more comfortable and effective.

Choose the Right Time

Trying to brush your pet's teeth when they are full of energy or there is a lot of activity in the home is not ideal. Select a time when your pet is calm, and the environment is peaceful.

Gradual Introduction

Your pet might not welcome a toothbrush in their mouth or your hand near it. Building trust takes time, so start by touching your pet’s mouth, then brushing only the visible teeth. Eventually, you should be able to brush them all.

Gentle but Thorough

Being too rough can cause pain for your pet and potential bites or scratches for you. Be as gentle as possible while ensuring you clean the teeth and gums thoroughly. Reach all sides of the teeth and the entire gum line.

Reward and Praise

Help your pet associate dental care with pleasure. Praise them during and after the process and reward them with a treat.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

Pet dental care can be intimidating, especially if your pet isn’t cooperative. Look for a “veterinarian near me” who can assist you. In addition to routine exams and vaccinations, veterinarians can provide dental guidance, nutrition advice for oral health, and dental cleanings.

Visit a Veterinarian Near You

Whether you need a checkup or a dental cleaning, our team at Clay-Chalkville Animal Clinic is here for you. Call (205) 681-1700 to schedule an appointment, or search for “animal hospital near me” if you don’t live in or around the Pinson area.

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